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  1. 录音艺术组作品征集

  2. 评选办法

  3. 为保证比赛的公平公正,参赛作品将被统一编号,进行匿名评选。

  4. 初赛将以专业评委评审方式选出12位参赛者入围决赛;决赛将以专业评委评审方式进行打分。参赛者的最终成绩由初赛得分和决赛得分构成,通过总分排名评选出最终奖项。

  5. 为维护活动的严肃性、权威性,根据实际情况个别奖项可以空缺。

  6. 征集要求


  1. 参赛要求:


  1. 作品内容:

  1. 必须为参赛者本人(个人或团队)录制并混音制作的音乐作品,包括但不限于棚内分轨录音、现场实况录音形式作品。题材健康,手法新颖,富有艺术感染力。

  2. 如为团队合作作品,参赛者应为第一作者。

  3. 每人限提交1部作品;作品时长3-5分钟;音频文件格式须为48kHz,16-Bit,立体声,WAV文件。


  1. 作品形式:纯音频作品


  1. 报名所需材料:

  1. 一部符合上述要求的音频文件;

  2. 一份正确填写的并由参赛者本人签名的报名表扫描件(请见附件一);

  3. 一张完整、清晰、有效的身份证或护照扫描件;

  4. 一份由参赛者签名的原创声明扫描件(请见附件二);

  5. 该作品录音混音工程截图(必须提交);

  6. 提供录音工作照片;

  7. 已发表作品须提供本人担任录音的署名页面截图。

  1. 截稿日期:


  1. 报名及联络方式:







咨询邮箱:shmadc@163.com (仅限咨询使用,非作品提交邮箱)



  1. 不符合以上活动条款者将取消参与评审资格;组委会、评委会成员不得有作品参与评审。

  2. 如出现原创性纠纷,后果由参赛者自行承担,大赛有权撤回奖项及奖金、奖品。


  1. 入围人数及要求:




  1. 入围名单公布时间:2021年10月中下旬

  2. 参赛形式:

  1. 参赛者需根据组委会指定的命题内容完成混音作品。

  2. 组委会将向入围参赛者提供一首由著名作曲家陈钢教授创作、上海爱乐乐团演奏的交响乐作品《情殇——霓裳骊歌杨贵妃》的完整分轨。

  3. 入围参赛者将对所提供的分轨音频文件在组委会指定录音棚及时间内进行混音,并将已完成的立体声母带文件提交至组委会。



  1. 需提交材料:

  1. 详细的制作思路以及混音过程说明

  2. 决赛作品的工程文件

  3. 初赛入围作品的分轨文件和工程文件

5) 决赛日期:2021年12月


最佳录音奖1名 价值30000元奖品和获奖证书

最佳录音提名奖4名 价值10000元奖品和获奖证书






  1. 决赛入围者将受邀出席音乐会暨颁奖仪式与决赛作品点评会。

  2. 音乐会时间:2021年12月中旬


  1. 音乐会结束,公布评选结果,并举行颁奖仪式。



  1. 凡填写并提交报名表者即默认为承认本章程。

  2. 如参赛者不如实填写个人资料,主办方有权取消其参赛资格并收回其所获荣誉。

  3. 评委会对本次活动的评定,为不可改变的最后决定。

  4. 参选作品不得违反有关法律、法规以及社会的道德规范。


1) 如遇疫情等不可抗力因素,主办方有权更改活动时间和活动形式。

2) 本章程的解释权归主办方所有。

3) 本章程发布后如有变动以主办方最新公布的信息为准。






I. General Principles

The 2021 International Digital Music Festival of Shanghai Conservatory of Music used to be the “Digital Audio China” competition. "Digital Audio China" was held by Shanghai Conservatory of Music for three consecutive seasons since 2010 and has contributed significantly to the application of digital music technology in the domestic applied music industry, the development in its academic discipline and the education of talents. In recent years, as audio production technology and the digital music industry develop rapidly, “Digital Audio China” has experienced a series of adjustments to adapt to the changes in the environment of music creation and evolved into the “International Digital Music Festival of Shanghai Conservatory of Music”. The goals of this event consist of promoting the development of cultural creativity and the digital content industry, enhancing the school-enterprise and school-local government cooperation, helping the exchange and development of digital music culture, and training excellent digital music talents.

II. Organizational Structure

Hosted by: Shanghai Conservatory of Music

Guided by: Shanghai Municipal Education Commission

Undertaken by:

Shanghai Music Art Development Center for Collaborative Innovation

Shanghai miHoYo Network Technology Co., Ltd.


Co-undertaken by:

Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Department of Music Engineering Shanghai Conservatory of Music, School of Digital Media Art


Co-organized by:

China Association of Recording Engineers

TME Institute of Music

Shanghai Network Sound Technology Center

Shanghai Broad Future Electro Technology Co.,Ltd.

Academic Support from (in alphabetic order):

Beijing Contemporary Music   Academy, School of Music Technology

China Conservatory of Music,   the Composition Department

Communication University of   China, School of Music and Recording Arts

Guangxi Arts University,   Department of Recording Art of School of Music

Harbin Conservatory of   Music, Department of Composition

Nanjing University of the   Arts, School of Popular Music

National Academy of Chinese   Theatre Arts, Department of Music

Shenyang Conservatory of   Music, Department of Composition

Sichuan Conservatory of   Music Experimental Arts School, Digital Media Art Key Laboratory of Sichuan   Province

Wuhan Conservatory of Music,   Department of Composition-Theory

Xian Conservatory of Music,   Contemporary Music Academy

Xinghai Conservatory of   Music, School of Contemporary Music and Theatre, Department of Music   Technology

Zhejiang Conservatory of Music,   Department of Music Engineering

Judges consist of experts from famous music conservatories in China and abroad and famous musicians in the industry.


III. Collection of Entries: Recording Art Group

  1. Selection Methods

  2. In order to ensure fairness and justice in the event, all entries will be numbered after submission and evaluated anonymously.

  3. In the preliminary round, the judges will select 12 contestants for the final round; in the final round, they will evaluate all the entries. The final scores that the contestants receive will be calculated through combining their scores from the preliminary round and the final round. Contestants with the highest final scores will be awarded.

  4. In order to maintain the rigor and authority of the event, certain awards may be vacant depending on the actual situation.

2. Collection Requirements

Preliminary Round

(1) Application Requirements

There is no application fee. The contestant must be at least 18 years old (born before September 20, 2003). There is no restriction on nationality and occupation.

(2) Entry Content

  1. The entries must be recorded and mixed by the contestants themselves (individual or team), including but not limited to entries in the forms of studio recording and live recording. The entries shall have appropriate themes and show novel skills and artistic appeal.

  2. If the entry is created by a team, the contestant should be the first author.

  3. Each contestant shall submit one entry only. The duration of the entry must be 3 to 5 minutes. The file format must be 48kHz 16-bit Stereo WAV file.

    *Note: if the file does not match the required format above, it will be regarded as invalid and will not be evaluated.

    (3) Forms of the Entry: pure audio work

    *Contestants may submit videos, pictures, words, etc. as additional materials to explain their ideas about recording and mixing.

    (4) Materials Required for Application:

  4. An audio file that meets the above requirements;

  5. A scanned copy of the application form that is correctly completed and signed by the contestant (see Annex I);

  6. A complete, legible and valid scanned copy of passport (photo page).

  7. A scanned copy of the Statement of Original Music Creation that is signed by the contestant (see Annex 2)

  8. Screenshots of the audio recording and mixing project files of the entry (which must be submitted).

  9. Photos taken during the recording process;

  10. For published works, a screenshot which proves that the contestant was responsible for recording the work.

    (5) Deadline (Beijing Time):

    Before 5:00 p.m. on September 20, 2021 (Monday), all the application materials must be sent to the designated email address.

     (6) Registration and Contact Information:

    Send to the designated email address: idmf2021b@163.com

    Name the file of the entry as: category - your full name - title of entry

    For example: Recording Art Group - Zhang San - “XXX”

    Email subject format: category – name – title of entry - phone number

    For example: Recording Art Group - Zhang San - “XXX” -138888888

    Contact Information of the Organizing Committee:

    Email: shmadc@163.com (only for consultation, not for submission)

    Wechat Account: +86 13061800088

  1. Contestants who do not comply with the above terms will be disqualified from participating in the event; members of the Organizing Committee and the Evaluation Committee should not submit any entry for evaluation.

  2. If any issue regarding the originality of music creation occurs, the contestant will bear the consequences, and the Organizing Committee reserves the right to withdraw the awards and prizes.


    Final Round

    (1) Number of Finalists and Requirements

    Through expert evaluation, 12 contestants will be selected from the preliminary round and receive a directional invitation to the final round.

    After being shortlisted, the finalists must provide the engineering files of the entries submitted for the preliminary round. If they cannot provide the files within seven days after being notified, they will be disqualified from the final round.

    *If any finalist waives, the contestant who ranks the next in the preliminary round will be eligible to participate in the final round.

    *The engineering files of the works for the preliminary round are only used for evaluation.

    (2) Announcement Time for List of Finalists: mid-to-late October 2021

    (3) Process:

  1. Contestants should complete a mixing work according to the propositions specified by the Organizing Committee.

  2. The Organizing Committee will provide a symphony called “Qing Shang” with its complete tracks. The symphony is composed by the famous composer Chen Gang and performed by Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra.

  3. The finalists should mix the tracks provided in the designated studio during the specified time and submit the completed stereo master tape files to the Organizing Committee.

    *If the finalist is unable to go to the designated recording studio in Shanghai, he/she will be disqualified.

    *If there is any change in the form of the final round, the announcement after the preliminary round shall prevail.

     (4) Materials for Submission:

  4.  Detailed production ideas and description of the mixing process;

  5. Project files of the entry for the final round;

  6. All the tracks and project files of the entry for the preliminary round.

     (5) Time for the Final Round: December, 2021


    IV.Setting of Awards and Bonuses

    1 Best Recording Award: prize that worth 30,000 RMB and a certificate

    4 Best Recording Nomination Award: prize that worth 10,000 RMB and a certificate

    7 Excellent Recording Shortlist Award: prize and a certificate

    *The finalists will have the opportunity to participate in the exchange activities and receive the judges' comments on their entries. They will also have the opportunity to work with famous sound engineers and teams to complete the on-site sound amplification and recording system design of the concert and award ceremony.

    *Depending on the actual situation, the Evaluation Committee reserves the right to leave certain awards vacant.

    *The Evaluation Committee’s decisions are final and cannot be altered. 


    V. Concert and Award Ceremony

  1. The finalists will be invited to the concert of the award ceremony and the final entry review.

  2. Concert Date: mid-December, 2021  

    Venue: Shangyin Opera House (planned)

  3. At the end of the concert, the selection results will be announced, and the award ceremony will be held.

    *The finalists attending the concert and the award ceremony need to pay for their own travel, food, hotel and other expenses.


    VI. Others

  4. Contestants who complete and submit the application form accept this constitution by default.

  5. If any contestants fail to provide their personal information truthfully, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to disqualify them from the event and withdraw the awards.

  6. The Evaluation Committee’s decisions are final and cannot be altered.

  7. All entries shall not violate relevant laws, regulations and social ethics.


    VII. Disclaimers

  8. In the case of pandemic or other force majeure, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the dates and forms of the event.

  9. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to interpret the constitution.

  10. In the case of any changes after the release of this constitution, the latest information announced by the Organizing Committee shall prevail.


    Annex I Application Form.doc

    Annex II Statement of Original Music Creation.docx

    Shanghai Conservatory of Music International Digital Music Festival Organizing Committee

    Shanghai Music Art Development Center for Collaborative Innovation

    August 2021